Sunday 6 July 2008

London...forever ago!

Crap! We totally forgot to blog about going to London! In early June we took the train to London and stayed in the Victoria Station area, which was quite nice and very low key.
We then went to several, if not most tourist attractions. Big Ben and Parliament were great, but we didn't know at the time that Westminster Cathedral was Parliament. Shakespeare's Globe was fun to do a tour of and Lily practiced her stage voice the whole time. Buckingham Palaces was nothing to write home about, if people want to see the Queen they go to Windsor Castle in the countryside. We did get to see the royal horses getting exercised because with a toddler you are up that early. Taylor got a picture with a Beefeater and even made him smile a half smile. Mat was able to see Trafalgar Square and get nostalgic over the Master and Commander book series. It was a great place to see and very picturesque. After all that sight-seeing it was time to go look at the shops.
Harrods, Soho, Piccadilly Circus, and all the stores that live in those areas. Harrods is a country itself and very over priced, but we did buy some loose leaf tea there and a couple of clothing items that Taylor just conveniently forgot to bring that weekend.
Oh, I almost forgot we went to the British Museum. This museum is full of "liberated" booty from the various countries the British kingdom interacted with. The museum even states that Egypt asked for artifacts to be returned and the British said "no". I was shocked, especially since we know that not all artifacts were gifts. It was very cool and we have to go back and see more of it as we only got through Egypt and Mesopotamia.
Oh, and one more thing, Taylor got to see Harry Potter's train platform in King's Cross!
We will go back to London and we'll let you know if we find anything new. Mat's scheduled to spend a day in London to watch the Arsenal/Emirates football tournament featuring Juventus from Italy, Hamburg from Germany, FC Barcelona from Spain and the Gunners from the Premiereship. Also if you feel we should see something leave us a suggestion so we don't miss anything.

Take Care,

Taylor, Mat, and Lily

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