Monday 9 June 2008


Chatsworth is one of the many castle/manors/houses in the UK and has been my favorite this far. The grounds are amazing and the sheep roam freely. There is a book written about one of the many people who have lived here called Bess of Hardwick, if anyone wants to read it. The family there now is the Cavendish family.
The Duke 1790-1858 who made the most out of his life in the house was the 6th Duke. He was a confirmed bachelor and therefore spent all his money and time on the various homes his family owned. A rock garden which you will be able to see pictures of, a wall conservatory, Egyptian statues, and numerous other things that will be pictured in the slide show. He was able to accomplish some amazing things for the period he lived in.
Sorry about the time in between posts!! We have been very busy and had a visitor for two weeks.


Danielle said...

We love the new pictures..........miss you guys so so so from all of us here

The Goodrich Family said...

What a cute hat! Hope you guy's are doing well. It looks like you all are getting to see lot's of cool stuff! Hi from the Goodrich family!!!!!!!!!!!!