Wednesday 23 April 2008

Walk around the village

We also wanted to put out a quick post to let you know what we're up to so it's not all nuts and bolts.

We've now fully furnished and mostly cleaned up the house so we took a little time yesterday after dinner to take a short walk around the village. Monday and Tuesday were actually really beautiful days with a lot of sun and with temperatures getting into the low 60's. I actually walked around the village in a tee shirt and flip flops. We took a quick walk up to the old church, drawn by a referee's whistle and intermitent shouting. Now that we finally have a minute to stop and breathe and relax we were really struck by what a beautiful little village we really live in. The streets are very narrow and some of the buildings must be at least more than a hundred years old. it was amazing to see the sun on the green rolling pastures dotted by sheep and criss-crossed by hedges or rock walls, to hear the song birds, and to stroll by two story brick buildings that loomed over the slim sidewalks on the narrow country lane.

We discovered a football pitch behind the church and we took a few minutes to watch an organized match between what we assumed were two local school teams. It was a really nice evening.

Of course, Lily fell asleep on the walk so we went back to the house and Taylor brought her up to her bedroom and laid down with her to get her fully asleep at the house again while I washed dishes (our dish washer still isn't working) for an hour and then folded laundry before passing out exhausted at the incredibly late hour of 9:00 p.m.

Taylor would want me to report that earlier during the day she and Lily rode the bus into Grantham and met me at work around 3:30. I took 15 minutes to walk a block down the street from the office into Grantham to the locally owned baby/toy shop to see what we might find for Lily's birthday.

We bought a crock-pot (slow cooker to the English) this weekend as well and when we got home Taylor had made a really incredible Thai Green Chicken Curry recipe that we found in an english cookbook. It wasn't anything like her specialty curry but it was very very good. The recipe actually called for sherry so you should have seen me when I waylaid a clerk in the Morrison's grocery store the other day and asked which sherry would be best for cooking. She didn't quite no what to do with me.


cbeahm said...

WooHoo!!! First to post a comment! We miss you guys, but it looks like you're having a blast over there. The place looks great!

perkykoala said...

It's great to read about what you guys are up to... and to see the pics!! Dang, I can't believe how big Lily is getting, or the fact that she's turning a year old! On the bright side of the time difference, you guys moving to the UK only extended the time difference between us by 2 hours -- yeah, I know, I'm nuts... :)