Wednesday 23 April 2008


Hi everyone,

Taylor has a cell phone and would LOVE to hear from you! One quick note, I was off by an hour yesterday when I said when it was safe to call. Lily has been waking up at 6:30 a.m. our time so feel free to call us by 7:00 a.m. our time, that would be 11:00 p.m. at night your time. Lily is definitely asleep by 7:00 p.m. these days so please try not to call later then 11:00 a.m. in the morning your time.

Taylor's cell number is: 07530167505. To dial that number fromt the States you need to dial 011 44 07530167505. Call her today, she's waiting!

If you have any questions about what time in England it is I'll email out a conversion table I created earlier.


Danielle said...

Hi guys just checking in to see how you are doing I have to call the cable company today.. so I can call you guys....hope to here from you soon..
Love all of us here

Jo said...

To Lily on her First Birthday...

We miss you Lily and your bright blond curl.

Only twelve months old, you're such a big girl.

Taking a bottle and climbing steps,
In twelve more months, what, oh what will come next?

We'll wait and see with great anticipation,

We'd share some birthday cake,
if you weren't in a different nation!

Happy First Birthday, Lily!
Love Jo, Kris and Wee Madeleine

Danielle said...

HI guys it was GREATTTTTTTTTT talking to all of you....we really miss you guys us