Tuesday 22 April 2008

Taylor has a cell phone but...

Hi Everyone,

Great news, Taylor has a cell phone... or mobile (mohb-aisle) in the Queen's English. Unfortunately, we haven't figured out the phone number yet. We just bought and now we're headed home for the evening to read the instruction book. I'll post Taylor's number here tomorrow and you can start calling her then. We wanted to be sure and have a phone so people could wish Lily a happy birthday this Sunday.

Because we were only able to get a pay as you go phone she won't be able to make calls to the states on the mobile (for that we'll have to wait until the land line gets installed on May 1st) but she can get calls on her mobile from all of you. If you'd like to call her or Lily you can start doing that tomorrow after I post the number.

Keep in mind we are 8 hours ahead of Pacific Time. Lily generally wakes up around 7ish to 8ish and goes to bed at 7 p.m. That means that safe hours to call us from the Pacific Time Zone are 11 p.m. to noon.

More coming soon!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You'll have to answer the phone guys. It doesn't sound like there will be any call backs for a while. I can hardly wait to hear your voices, with Lily chiming in in the background. I'll be seeing you in less than a month; yeah! Kingsburys and Wades have both enjoyed your entry; your comments as well as the picture. Thanks for keep us informed. Love & hugs, Mom Connot