Friday 16 May 2008

Paris Entry

Hi All,
Mat took us to Paris for Mother's Day and it was great! We stayed in a nice area called Saint-Michel with a view down on to the street and cafe. It was perfect for people watching!

On our first day there we trained in to the city, found our hotel, and then hunted down some food. We accidentally ended up eating at a cafe we had eaten at five years ago and got nostalgic (on our trip five years ago Mat had proposed in France). We then went to the Arc De Triumph and the Champs es Lycees (not sure how to spell that). We window shopped and walked around. We went in to a store and were mistaken for Germans by the sales people, perhaps our French had a German accent.

The next two days were spent at the Louvre and it was amazing! We could hardly believe the colors that artists were able to create back then. We saw the Mona Lisa and Lily slept through that part. She'll have to see it another day. The huge paintings were breath taking, not to mention the Louvre itself. We had arrived early were able to walk through "The Heart of the Diamond" (courtyard) almost entirely by ourselves. The size of the palace was just...words can't describe it. It really made us want to learn French history.

Look at our pics and see some of what we saw or took pictures of. Our love to all and enjoy your great weather!!!


Taylor, Mat and Lily

Wednesday 14 May 2008

Mother's Day in Paris

No time to leave an entry now, but thought you might like to see the pictures of our Mother's Day in Paris.

Sunday 4 May 2008

Weekend in Nottingham

Hi Everyone,

Sorry it's taken us so long to write. Work has gotten incredibly busy and I hardly have time to check my email there anymore. Unfortunately, we still don't have the Internet at home yet. However, we do have a home phone! Yeah!!!! You can call us anytime between 7:00 a.m. and 7 p.m. our time (which is 11:00 p.m. to 11:00 a.m. your time) at 00 44 147 6879353. If that doesn't work, try dialing 00 44 0147 6879353.

We were able to make an appointment to have broadband set up for the house though so these will get much more frequent soon. If all goes well we should have Internet on May 12th.

Now, down to our daily lives... Last weekend was Lily's 1st Birthday, Yeah! The slide show running to the left are some pictures from the big day. Be sure to click on the slide show and then blow up some of the pictures. Taylor took a walk with Lily around the village while I decorated the house for her birthday. When they came back in the house Lily was totally amazed at the decorations. Check out the look on her face as she points around the room. She had a really great time. Taylor made her an organic, all natural cake from scratch (with no sugar, just orange juice and maple syrup) and it was great. Lily really loved it, as you can see.

Our neighbors have a 5 year old daughter, Harriet, and she and Lily just love each other. I think this is in part because Harriet has a Nintendo DS game called something like Babyz and Lily reminds her of the baby in her game. In any event, they get along really well. Partly through Lily's present opening Harriet stopped by with a hand drawn birthday card for Lily. It was awesome. An English accent on a kid is just unbelievably adorable and it was one for the ages to hear her wishing Lily a happy birthday. Imagine Oliver asking, "Please sir, can I have some more?" But instead imagine a 5 year old girl wishing your daughter a happy birthday in the same voice... priceless!

That same weekend we also took a drive to Nottingham. The weekend prior we had bought a big road atlas book and we were so proud about saving the company money and not buying a GPS like all the other ex-pats have done. However, our 1 hour drive to Buxton turned out to take 3 hours and involve an astounding number of wrong turns and roundabout exits.

Last weekend we embarked for Nottingham, thinking how much wiser we were for having made so many mistakes the previous weekend, sure we'd make the half hour trip with no difficulty. We had our Atlas, directions printed off, etc and we were prepped! 4 1/2 hours later we were so flustered and upset we realized that we weren't helping anyone by not having a GPS. If you've ever read the Bill Bryson book, Notes From a Small Island, recall the first 6 pages in which driving and directions in England are discussed at length and you'll understand. If you haven't read it, or if it's been a while, grab this book again. It's hilarious! Just read the first 6 pages even, it's classic.

We've already been to York this weekend ( a two hour drive that, thanks to the GPS took us two hours) and walked around the downtown. It was really beautiful. We haven't been to Westminster yet but we did go to the Minster in York and it was astounding! We've been to Sacre Cour and to Notre Dame in Paris and I have to say, as much as we think Paris is the most beautiful city in the world, York Minster put any other cathedral I've seen to shame. Check out our Picasa photo's if you'd like and see some of our pics. The shopping/outdoor market section of the city lies within the medieval walls of the old castle and it was really neat to see the shops that were hundreds of years old.

Today I think we're going to go to Chatsworth ( and Ikea so she can get a rocking chair for getting Lily back to sleep in the middle of the night. Oh yeah, huge news... Lily is in the Crib by herself every night. She's been doing it for a full week now. We're so excited. She still wakes up at least once per night but with some holding/rocking/singing she falls back asleep before too long.

Tomorrow, the castle 4 miles down a country road from us, Belvoir (, where the Duke and Duchess of Rutland live, will be hosting a jousting tournament. I think we're going to check that out and then go use our newly purchased bbq and enjoy a nice dinner outside in the evening before returning from our three day weekend. Did I mention this was a bank holiday over here?

Anyway, we'll have more pictures and news soon.


Mat, Taylor, and 1 year old Lily